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0 votes
0 answers

Google Chart API showing wrong values

For one specific user the numbers in the table is showing wrong. The data is directly coming from the database. No issue in DB or backend. I am attaching the picture of the issue. Along with the code ...
0 votes
0 answers

Custom fullScreenCover animation

Is it possible to add a custom animation to a fullScreenCover? The default animation has been disabled but I am struggling in finding a way to add a custom animation. I guess that transaction....
6 votes
2 answers

Can we use @RepeatedTest along with @ParameterizedTest in Junit 5

Currently, I'm (attempting to) migrate existing Junit4 Project to Junit5. I'm stuck in a place where I have to use both @RepeatedTest and @ParameterizedTest. Attempting this throws the default ...
0 votes
1 answer

TomTom map styles

I have an ionic capacitor app with a map where routes can be displayed. Everything works fine. I get the map using the @tomtom-international/web-sdk-maps library: import tt from '@tomtom-international/...
0 votes
0 answers

visual studio code, How can i remove solid underline from functions

I have made a custom colour theme, I just cannot work out how to get rid of the solid green underline from functions. Im hoping to remove the solid underline i cant find anything online who has had ...
0 votes
1 answer

GCC -Woverride-init warning whis anonymous structs in a union

I need to define a type formed with 2 24-bits fields (48 bits in total). I didn't find a way to do it with bitfields in a struct. So I defined my type with a union and 2 anounymous structs : typedef ...
-1 votes
0 answers

Remove everything except specific text from a json string using regex

[ { "startDate": "2024-01-31T11:41:59", "endDate": "2024-01-31T23:59:59+00:00", "price": "795", "currency": "DKK" }, { &...
315 votes
26 answers

Change default text in input type="file"?

I want to change default text on button that is "Choose File" when we use input="file". How can I do this? Also as you can see in image button is on left side of text. How can I put it on right side ...
0 votes
1 answer

dart 3 alpha: switch with pattern matching doesn't compile

I am trying to compile a simple example: import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; void main() { debugPrint(printShape(Circle())); } sealed class Shape { } class Square implements Shape { } class ...
-1 votes
0 answers

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Net.Http.Formatting, Version= - System cannot find the file specified

We are encountering this issue upon upgrade of Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client to the latest version: What worked so far is to downgrade the package to 5.2.9. From my research it is said that the ...
0 votes
2 answers

How to upgrade Amazon Kinesis Analytics Apache Flink runtime?

We have an application running on Apache Flink 1.13, presume we have a branch we have updated the code to Flink 1.15.2 and built a jar and put that on S3. What do we do in the AWS Console to change an ...
1 vote
1 answer

Using Cypress to test React app with Yjs Websocket server backend

Hi I am developing a collaborative tool using react and Yjs. The tool in question is a spreadsheet and I wanted to do some E2E testing to prove the correctness. I intented to use cypress to do this ...
105 votes
14 answers

Check for special characters in string

I want to check if a string contains special characters like !@#$%^&*.,<>/\'";:? and return true if the string contains atleast one of those chars. I tried with the following regex,script: ...
0 votes
2 answers

How to make inherited process work Item editable?

In a nutshell, I created an inherited process from the REST API, when I try to add a state or a field, I get an error because it uses the reference name from the original work item, not it's own. For ...
0 votes
0 answers

How do I make the border around my graphs smaller in CustomTkinter

I'm working on a project where my result will be displayed in a graph. I'm working with CustomTkinter and my graphs are displayed with Mathplotlib. I'm having trouble with removing the borders around ...
0 votes
2 answers

Opening Several PDF Files through Excel VBA and Saving as Text files

I am trying to open several pdf files in a folder and save them as .txt files. I have tried the approaches in the following thread vba converting multiple pdf in folder to text file As suggested ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to create bootstrap slider with text

I want bootstrap slider like the image. I have the default bootstrap slider style but cannot type text like the above image and a black transparent black background. Is it possible to do it in ...
0 votes
2 answers

SAP Crystal reports (Failed to load database information)

favorite There is a problem i have been facing for couple of days. The problem is that i have developed C# Winform application using windows 7 professional sp1,mysql5.5 and SAP crystal report. When i ...
3 votes
1 answer

Windows CE 6.0 time setting in registry

So I have a Motorola MC3100 Mobile Barcode scanning device with Windows CE 6.0. Now I want to get the device to sync its date/time on boot up with our domain controller using some registry files that ...
0 votes
0 answers

HPA not scaling down on EKS even though current metric 0

I have deployed a simple dummy application that performs a numer of "calculations" (sleeps) in parallel. I have deployed it using Terraform / Terrgrunt here
0 votes
0 answers

Unity.Properties.SourceGenerator.PropertyBagGenerator cannot be created? Error

Opening a Unity project in Visual Studio 2022 yields the following error: CS8032: An instance of analyzer Unity.Properties.SourceGenerator.PropertyBagGenerator cannot be created from x:\x\x\2022.3....
0 votes
0 answers

How to type return based on generic optional parameters object in TypeScript

I want to create a function whose options parameter is used to determine the argument passed to its returned function once executed. I think this can be clearer showing my own code, where I'm building ...
0 votes
0 answers

Assembly x86_64 .bin file to bootable .iso

I created a simple bootloader in assembly and I compiled it with nasm: nasm -f bin bootloader.asm -o bootloader.bin I used qemu to emulate the "os": qemu-system-x86_64 bootloader.bin This ...
0 votes
0 answers

A way to automatically recreate pod on CreateContainerError

In my K8S cluster there is a occasional issue of pods getting stuck in "CreateContainerError" state without any errors or problems. Every time the problem is fixed simply by deleting stuck ...
0 votes
1 answer

SQL join 3 databases

I am right joining a table "FinalData" at last which should bring all the values of the right joining table and the matching values of the inner join tables but as the inner join values are ...
0 votes
0 answers

coil 2.6.0 does not resolve in KMP project

I have a problem in my KMP project. I would like to use coil to render images but I am currently unable to resolve the lib. I added it in the following places: libs.versions.toml: [versions] coil = &...
0 votes
2 answers

Your project requires a newer version of the Kotlin Gradle plugin, but I already using latest version

I'm already using the latest version of Kotlin Gradle but I keep getting this error: buildscript { ext.kotlin_version = '1.8.20' repositories { google() mavenCentral() } ...
25 votes
4 answers

What is "type '{}'"?

In TypeScript, what exactly is type '{}' and how does it relate to other built-in types? For example, the last line of the following example gives Type '{}' is not assignable to type 'number', and I ...
2 votes
2 answers

Why are snapPoints memorizades with useMemo react-native-bottom-sheet

Why the documentation use useCallback and useMemo to memorize the props passed for the BottomSheet, what the performance win with this? import ...
0 votes
3 answers

PrimeNg disable accordion expand button

Is there a way to conditionally disable the expand button in PrimeNg accordion without disabling the whole header? I have some other buttons in the header and want them to be clickable, I only want to ...
0 votes
0 answers

Efficient Data Retrieval from Cosmos DB for Visualizing Large Location Dataset on Google Maps with Marker Clustering

I'm grappling with efficiently fetching data from Cosmos DB for visualization on Google Maps. My dataset contains a large volume of location information stored as JSON objects with latitude and ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to produce a two-level group by in Obsidian using dataview

I store notes in Obsidian which have various properties, the frontmatter looks like this: --- level_1: <l1 property value> level_2: <l2 property value> title: <note title> --- I'd ...
2 votes
2 answers

Router doesn't redirect by guard

I have an angular app with Angular 15. App-routing module somehow doesn't redirect, when a guard returns the UrlTree. app-routing.module.ts import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { ...
0 votes
0 answers

predict method in statsmodels (Python)

I am trying to use statsmodels predict method for a multiple linear regression analysis in Python but I always get the same error: TypeError: RegressionModel.predict() got multiple values for argument ...
1 vote
1 answer

Y-distance from point to polygon

I try to calculate the Y-distance from a point inside a polygon to this polygon in positive and negative Y-directions. So far I use shapely to create the polygon, but i am not bound to this. There ...
0 votes
0 answers

Systemverilog Functional Coverage for each way of sets in a RAM

I have a RAM which has 10 ways in a set. I am writing cover item for the specific field of ram lets call it xyz. I am using read port of the ram to cover this signal. Read port reads the set index by ...
7 votes
2 answers

shadcn Input + Form + Zod "A component is changing an uncontrolled input to be controlled"

a little background Im using shadcn ui library and Zod to create some simple forms in my Next.js React app. The input are of type select and text The problem I'm following shadcn documentation on how ...
2 votes
4 answers

How to change background colour on nav bar element when it is active

Tried solving this first using online resources. Couldn't manage to figure it out. Just looking to make nav bar background colour change when I click on it and it is active once the new page loads. A ...
0 votes
2 answers

Entry completed event not firing on Android with carriage return from barcode scan; works on Windows

I'm developing a .NET MAUI app where I'm facing a problem: The Entry completed event doesn't trigger when I scan a barcode on Android, although it works on Windows. My barcode scanner is set up to ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to create a tag after PR got merged but before merge commit?

I have a long running PR which was merged to main branch. However, I needed to create a tag for the main branch before the PR got merged for any future hot fixes! Now that PR got merged (with merge ...
-1 votes
0 answers

Option update in wordpress cannot be called simualtaneously

We are running an event with around 1000 users who have to submit something every day. When they submit, their email is stored in a list in an option in WordPress. I have encountered a problem where ...
0 votes
2 answers

Spinning number animation on value update

On a site I have a number counter that always increases, without any fancy animation. Now I need to animate it every time the number updates, like this: Which HTML (+CSS +JS if needed) code can I use ...
0 votes
0 answers

Universal regex for version value

I have this regex but it works that's not quite right. Let me explain, there are strings string1="Patch_200_linux_ORA11G_Rev_1712566_e60588dce" string2="Patch_develop_PCON-...
101 votes
9 answers

How to change start destination of a navigation graph programmatically?

Basically, I have the following navigation graph: I want to change my starting point in navigation graph to fragment 2 right after reaching it (in order to prevent going back to fragment 1 when ...
0 votes
0 answers

Picaso library doesn't load images after first load

I'm loading the first image into PhotoOfBook. Then I try to load completely different images into PhotoOfBook2 and PhotoOfBook3, but the first image (which was loaded into PhotoOfBook) is loaded there....
14 votes
4 answers

Flutter AppUpdateService linkToDeath

I have been trying to add the in app update feature to make the user update the app when there is a new update available in the playstore. I am using the package in_app_update. But it keeps throwing ...
0 votes
0 answers

Intercepting cmd+c on Chrome for Mac (for custom copying) unreliable, what am I doing wrong?

For an internal tool at my job, I'm trying to intercept and override the ctrl/cmd+c shortcut. Context: the script below is added to an html file exported from my application. Its purpose is to make ...
-1 votes
0 answers

How to set specific months to a year in SQL

I want to update my table and set a financial period to a year from a given column [Declearation period] set [YEAR]='2019' where [DECLEARATION_PERIOD] ='01-MAR-19','01-APR-19','01-MAY-19','01-JUN-19','...
0 votes
0 answers

COMPUTE STATS IMPALA results in DiskErrorException

I'm trying to execute a compute stats (COMPUTE STATS db.table;) on one of my tables via IMPALA (on a ClouderaDataPlatform), but for this table only I'm encountering the following error: ...
0 votes
0 answers

Looker - Expected expression "filter_name" in "condition" to be a field name

I am trying to create a dynamic-derived table in Looker using Templated Filters / Liquid parameters. But I am getting the below error. Error: Expected expression "approval_status_param" in &...

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